viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

He is BORN!!!

Christian David is here!!!
Thank you so much everyone for your prayers, we really appreciate them!
Baby is now here, and were all so happy.
The labor was fast, and I didnt have to push much, which I'm so thankful for!
We were having an activity as a home for Mila's birthday, and at 10:20 pm I felt some water, so I ran to the bathroom, and sure enough the water bag was broken!!! The first contraction started at 11:00 but they weren't so strong, they started getting stronger at 1:30 then at 2:17 he was born!!! He was 53 cm long, and we are not sure about the weight...because the midwife forgot to bring the scale...but we think that around 3 kg or 3 200.
Thank the Lord he is finally out!!! I'm so happy and thankful that everything went well, I was really worried, but praise the Lord everything went really well.
Thank you so much Naty and Chris for coming, you have no idea how thankful I am, Nat you were such a HUGE help, I don't know if I would've done it without you, you were so encouraging and exactly what I needed, thank you so much!
And thank you to the ones of my home that were there with me praying, and helping me, I really love you all!

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